Friday, September 17, 2010

Vote Now!!

Contestant C04807

Contestant D36105

Contestant C77930

Contestant B28146

Contestant A58047

Contestant A13763

Contestant B51103

Contestant B44159

Contestant C08310

Wow the contest has opened with a BANG and the contestants are having a ball with their designing talents and making you the most adorable kits with the Cool Pets theme. Now it is time to vote and play with these awesome kits. You are allowed to chose your 2 most favouritist out of the lot. No one gets eliminated but points are added up in the end and they include the voting and commenting. So please make sure you visit the Week 1 Gallery to snag the Freebies and to leave some lovin behind. Cheers Liz of Lizard Dau Designs